The beauty of Paruima Village

Paruima Village, with a population of about 800, is located in Upper Mazaruni, Region Seven. It is said to be the only Arecuna-speaking community in Guyana.

Kamarang River leading to Venezuela
The Davis Indian Industrial College
From top of Rain Mountain
Distant view of Paruima Seven Days Adventist Church

The Paruima and Panasima Falls are scenic waterfalls in that territory, and, located in the Cuyuni-Mazaruni region between Guyana and Venezuela, the area also hosts stunning views of the Kamarang River leading to Venezuela.
There are also huge rock formations between which children enjoy playing hide and seek.
Paruima Village also contains a place of worship, sports ground, and a college named the Davis Indian Industrial College. On September 10, the village held festivities for Amerindian Heritage Month (Photos by Deon Johnson)

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